Feasibility studies and site investigation for municipal infrastructure including pipelines, reservoirs, water treatment plants, domestic waste, sites, roads and Housing Mine Open Pit Slope Depressurisation and Stability Assessment.

MWEM provides the following geotechnical services:
Test pitting, auger boreholes, in-situ sampling
Penetrometer testing including DPL, DCP, DPSH and CPT u
Geotechnical drilling and in-situ borehole testing including SPTs, pressure meter
Lugeon/Packer test.
All associated laboratory testing and analysis for distributed and undistributed samples.

Civil Design & Structural Engineering:
Feasibility studies, expert consulting opinions
Civil and structural concept design
Civil and structural design development for new structures
Inspections and structural assessment of existing buildings
Civil and structural design for refurbishment of existing buildings
Structural monitoring and construction site
Supervision | Site Management
MWEM consists of a team of highly experienced professionals ranging from hydrogeologists, chemistry specialists, water modellers, engineers, contaminated site specialist and hydrologists. Water services include mining related water studies, surface water studies, mathematical groundwater flow and contaminant transport modelling, geochemical assessments, waste classifications, contaminated site management studies, water resource modelling and monitoring.

We have considerable experience in the development and managing of the groundwater resources, and offer the following services:
Borehole development and Aquifer tests
Community water supply and Sanitation protocol studies
Groundwater resource development and Management
Environmental Hydrogeology
Integrated Water Use Licence Applications
Groundwater monitoring
Geophysical Surveys including resistivity, magnetic, electromagnetic, seismic, GPR and gravity surveys.
Groundwater Modeling

Key services provided include:
Specialist water studies for EIA’s
Catchment hydrology and resource evaluations
Flood hydrology and flood lines
Storm water management plans and designs
Dam yield analysis
Hydrological modelling
Water management and planning
Water quality monitoring of surface water and groundwater
Microbiological monitoring of surface water and groundwater
Groundwater level monitoring
MWEM has been involved in environmental specialist studies and related work for more than 5 years. MWEM has a wide range of environmental management skills and have been involved in the application for authorisation for a significant number of large-scale developments and multi-disciplinary projects. The aim of the unit is to provide a cost effective and efficient service to our clients, which is tailored to the specific requirements of each project

Focused on providing a specialised consulting service for the assessment of contaminated land and remediation. MWEM provides the following services:
- Hydrocarbon and industrial contaminant investigations
- Phase I & II contamination investigations
- Landfill and cemetery investigations
- Risk based assessments
- Remediation Studies
Intrusive and non-intrusive Site investigation techniques:
- Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
- Phase II Environmental Site Assessment
- Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE)
Environmental Impact Assessments, Risk Assessments and Contaminated Land Assessments
Design and management of remediation schemes including materials and waste management
Development of a conceptual site model, including toxicological and human health risk assessments
- Development of a conceptual site model, including toxicological and human health risk assessments
- Pump and Treat
- Remedial Design (Different practical Remediation Design)
- Costing of Contaminated Site Remediation Plans/Options
- Total Product and Total Fluid Recovery
- Free product recovery
- Bioremediation

Waste Audits and Management Programme
Environmental Risk Analysis & Planning
Environmental Management & Compliance
Environmental Impact Assessments
(+27) 12 342 0144 / (+27) 78 871 2375
Office A0003, Block A Offices, The Fields, 1078 Burnett Street, Hatfield, Pretoria, 0083
Contact us today for a consultation. We ensure you cost effective and individualised services.